

Healthcare online Keeping you up-to-date
VOL.  13     ISSUE:  9    September  2015 Medical Services Department

SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Ltd.





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Dear Doctor:

Welcome to our healthcare bulletin 'e-SQUARE' .

Our current issue focused on some interesting features like

"Exercise & PH !", "Gut Bugs !", "Midlife Weight Risk !", "Smartphones Alert !", "'Social Factors & AML !", "X-rays & Pregnancy !".

In our regular feature, we have some new products information of SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Ltd. as well.

Please send us your feedback !

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Yours sincerely,


Editorial Team

Reply Mode      : e-square@squaregroup.com

The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of its editor or SQUARE PHARMACEUTICALS LTD.

 Exercise & PH !

                                                         Exercise Appears Safe, Helpful For Pulmonary Hypertension

Exercise can be beneficial and safe for people with pulmonary hypertension(PH), researchers report. Pulmonary hypertension is a type of high blood pressure that affects the lungs and heart, causing breathing problems, fatigue and dizziness. Left untreated, it can lead to heart failure, according to background information from the study. "Clinicians have traditionally been skeptical about prescribing exercise for patients with chronic pulmonary hypertension due to concerns that training might put further strain on the heart," study senior author said. "Our analysis found those concerns may be misplaced. More importantly, exercise had a positive effect on several measures of heart function as well as overall quality of life," he added. Researchers analyzed studies that included more than 400 people with pulmonary hypertension. Their review found that exercise is safe and can reduce pressure in the arteries and boost patients' ability to exercise. However, people with pulmonary hypertension should not begin an exercise program without first consulting their doctor, he said. He noted that most patients in the analysis were in supervised exercise programs that had lower levels of intensity than those typically prescribed for heart failure patients.

SOURCE: HealthDay News, September 2015

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 Gut Bugs !

    Gut Bugs May Affect Body Fat, 'Good' Cholesterol Levels  

The size of waistline may depend to some degree on the specific bacteria dwelling within the gut, new research suggests. The study, of nearly 900 Dutch adults, found that certain gut bacteria might help determine not only body fat levels, but also blood concentrations of HDL cholesterol and triglycerides. This is the first study to offer "solid evidence" that gut bacteria are linked to cholesterol and triglyceride levels, lead researcher said. But it does not prove that the bacteria directly alter people's blood fats, researcher stressed. So it's too early to recommend probiotic supplements for heart disease prevention, experts said. However, the findings add to growing evidence that the intestinal microbiome plays an important role in human health. As recent research has revealed, those bugs do much more than support good digestion: They aid in everything from immune function, to metabolizing drugs to producing vitamins, anti-inflammatory compounds and even chemicals that relay messages among brain cells. Studies have also suggested that when the microbiome lacks diversity, that may contribute to health conditions such as obesity, asthma and type 1 diabetes. The findings, published online Sept. 10 in the journal Circulation Research, are based on 893 adults ranging in age from 18 to 80. Research team analyzed fecal samples to get a snapshot of each person's intestinal microbiome. Overall, the researchers found 34 types of bacteria that were associated with people's triglycerides and HDL levels, and with body mass index (BMI). The investigators estimated that the gut microbiome explained 4 percent to 6 percent of the variance in BMI, triglycerides and HDL across the study group. A few of the bacteria highlighted in the study are known to be involved in metabolizing bile acids that affect cholesterol levels. But researcher said much more research is needed to understand how different gut bacteria function in relation to cholesterol and other risk factors for heart disease. "At the current stage, this field is still in its infancy," lead researcher added. 

SOURCE: HealthDay News, September 2015

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 Midlife Weight Risk !

                                                 Too Much Weight In Midlife Tied To Earlier Alzheimer's

Avoiding middle-age spread could be one way to delay the onset of dementia, a new study hints. Researchers found that among 142 elderly adults with Alzheimer's disease, those who were overweight at age 50 tended to develop the memory-robbing disorder earlier. On average, the study participants were 83 years old when diagnosed with Alzheimer's. But that age of onset varied according to people's weight at age 50: For each unit increase in body mass index (BMI), Alzheimer's set in about seven months earlier, on average. Other studies have found that obesity may boost the risk of developing Alzheimer's. But this research suggests it also speeds the onset, senior researcher said. "We think that's important because one of the goals in Alzheimer's research is to find ways to delay the onset of the disease," he added. However, obese adults often have health conditions that have been linked to an increased Alzheimer's risk, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. In the study, research team did account for those conditions -- plus smoking -- and found that a higher BMI at age 50 was still connected to earlier Alzheimer's onset. What's more, brain autopsies showed that Alzheimer's patients who'd been heavier in middle age generally had more brain "tangles" -- twisted strands of protein that build up in the brains of people with the disease. It's not clear, however, whether those brain abnormalities are the reason for the earlier Alzheimer's, he said. Plus, he noted, there were some factors that his team could not account for -- such as the quality of people's diets. The study findings come from a long-term review of nearly 1,400 older adults who were free of dementia at the outset. Just over 10 percent were eventually diagnosed with Alzheimer's. The study can't answer the question of why higher BMI -- a calculation of body fat -- in middle age was linked to earlier Alzheimer's onset or to higher levels of brain tangles, he added. But, it's "plausible" that obesity, itself, contributed, he said. Many studies, he noted, have found that obesity can cause a state of chronic inflammation in the body, including the brain. And that inflammation might worsen the brain damage seen in people with Alzheimer's. "We know that maintaining a healthy weight throughout life is important for a variety of reasons," he said. "This study suggests that a healthy BMI, as early as mid-life, could also help delay Alzheimer's disease."

SOURCE: HealthDay News, September 2015

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 Smartphones Alert !

                                            Light From Smartphones, Tablets May Lower Sleep Hormone In Kids

New research offers a compelling reason for parents to ban smartphones, tablets and laptops in their children's bedrooms at night: The bright light of these devices may lower levels of melatonin, a hormone that prompts sleep. The effect was most pronounced for kids just entering puberty, with nighttime melatonin levels suppressed by up to 37 percent in some cases, the investigators found. With a recent study suggesting that 96 percent of teens use at least one high-tech device in the hour before bedtime, the researchers have a suggestion for parents. "The message is that we really have to be careful about protecting our especially young teens from light at night, which means parents need to get all screens out of the bedroom, because ultimately they can be quite damaging to a child's capacity to get enough sleep," study co-author said. Puberty and changing sleep habits go hand-in-hand, the study authors noted, as growing kids start to push for later bedtimes. To some degree, the shift is likely prompted by several social factors, including the loosening of parental restrictions, budding friendships and media. But scientists believe that biological factors also play a role, as a child's internal sleep clock starts to change. At the heart of that change is light sensitivity, she said. Her team theorized that puberty increases a child's sensitivity to light at night, causing melatonin levels to stay low and delay sleep. But the researchers also suspected this natural process could be knocked out of whack when newly light-sensitive children are around the bright glare of modern technology. So the study authors focused on 38 children between the ages of 9 and 15 (early puberty), along with 29 boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 16 (later or post-puberty). For four nights, all were exposed to a single hour of light, involving four different brightness levels. Brightness levels ranged from near-dark "romantic restaurant lighting" all the way up to what she called "light you would find in the produce section of your favorite large supermarket." The exposures occurred either at 11 p.m. or 3 a.m., the authors said. The result: While melatonin readings were uniform during the early morning light tests, late-night light tests caused much greater melatonin suppression among boys and girls at the earliest stages of puberty. In that group, dim "mood" lighting suppressed melatonin by more than 9 percent, while "normal" room light triggered a 26 percent dip and "bright" light prompted a 37 percent plunge. Overall, older teens saw much smaller drops in melatonin levels, the study found. The study did not prove that bright light before bedtime causes adolescents to get less sleep, however. "We cannot say we found a sleep 'disturbance,'" she added. "But what we did find was that young children exposed to light at bedtime saw their melatonin production suppressed. And this could cause sleep rhythms to be affected in a way that causes children to stay up later, which is exactly what adolescents need not to be doing.".

SOURCE: HealthDay News, September 2015

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 Social Factors & AML !

                                                                                          Social Factors Affect Leukemia Survival

For people diagnosed with a type of cancer called acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), social and economic factors can affect the odds of survival, a new study shows. "As physicians, we often emphasize more of the biology of the cancer, especially with the recent focus on personalized medicine. But we need to pay the same attention to resources available to our patients, as this greatly impacts their chances to survive leukemia," study senior author said. In conducting the study, researchers used a database of more than 5,500 people under the age of 65. They found that in addition to the patients' age and the progression of their disease, socioeconomic factors not directly related to their medical care played a role in the outcome of their treatment. Specifically, certain people were at much greater risk of dying early, including those who were single or divorced. People who were uninsured, on Medicaid or living in lower income areas were also more likely to die prematurely, the study found. Results were published online Sept. 14 in the journal Cancer. "We believe these three factors indicate lack of material and social support preventing young patients from successfully walking the long and difficult road towards a cure," study lead author added. "Factors that have nothing to do with quality of care need to be accounted for when comparing predicted with actual outcomes -- otherwise we will create a disincentive for hospitals and doctors to care for less privileged patients," lead author said. Nearly 21,000 Americans will be diagnosed with AML in 2015, according to the study authors. About half of these patients will die from their disease, the researchers added.

SOURCE: HealthDay News, September 2015

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 X-Rays  & Pregnancy !

                                                             X-Rays, Other Scans Generally Safe In Pregnancy: Report

Radiation from X-rays and other medical imaging tests doesn't seem to pose a risk to pregnant women or their fetuses when used properly, researchers report. "While care should be taken to protect the fetus from exposure, most diagnostic studies are generally safe, and the radiation doses from these studies are well below thresholds considered risky," lead author said. About 5 percent to 8 percent of pregnant women suffer traumatic injuries, such as broken bones and muscle tears, study author and his colleagues said in a news release from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Car crashes are the most common cause, and doctors often order medical imaging studies to assess these injuries, the study authors added. But some pregnant women and their physicians worry that radiation from imaging studies might harm their baby, the authors said. Still, proper diagnosis and treatment of traumatic injuries is important because they are the leading cause of non-pregnancy-related death among expectant mothers, according to background information in the news release. There's no known risk to fetuses from ultrasound and MRI, and they are considered safe for pregnant women, according to the report published in the August print issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. X-rays of the limbs and spine expose the fetus to minimal doses of radiation. But CT scans of the pelvis expose a fetus to higher doses of radiation, and this type of test requires greater consideration, the researchers said. It's known that high levels of radiation exposure can harm the developing fetus. Overall, however, the risk of harm from medical imaging is proportional to the radiation dose and the gestational age of the embryo or fetus, the study authors said. "If a patient requires multiple scans and repeated doses of radiation, a consultation with a qualified medical physicist should be considered to determine estimated fetal dose," study author and his colleagues concluded in the news release.

SOURCE: HealthDay News, September 2015

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Products of SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

  Product Grastim®  PFS Inj.
  Generic Name Filgrastim
Strength 300 mcg/0.5ml
  Dosage form Injection
  Therapeutic Category GCSF (Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor)
  Product Terminex®
Generic Name Mifepristone and Misoprostol
Strength 200mg and 200mcg
Dosage form Tablet
Therapeutic Category Abortion Inducer
  Product Susten®
  Generic Name Dapoxetine
  Strength 30 mg, 60 mg
  Dosage form Tablet
  Therapeutic Category Sexual Dysfunction

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